I've got a can of beer, I've got 8 poker games running on the laptop in front of me. I've got the 2 youngest in bed, school in the morning. I'm warm, I'm fed, I've got literally the most beautiful wife in the world sitting on the sofa next to me sewing an embroidery thingy... Happiness right? well you'd think so but this is me, and what do I do best? Yup, fuck shit up....
It does sound cosy, just looking at that paragraph above I want to punch myself but it wasn't all that. There was no love, no fun, no happiness apart from the time spent playing with the kids and an occasional happy wife day. And it's the fun I miss, it's the every day being different, the challenge of managing more than just getting out of bed and driving a car. My mind is in neutral, there's no challenges, no tests, just mundane shite, day after day so I'm plotting. Plotting a pub, another pub, coz I know they're fun, and she's already told me: "It won't end well"...
Some nights running a pub, it's pure adrenaline, it's pure fun and it's brilliant. When the place is rammed, when everyone is rocking, when all your staff are smiling and all your customers are smiling. When no one is waiting but you couldn't get more in the door if you tried. That's a buzz. It's one I missed and wanted to get back into. I do have an addictive nature, and it has caused me grief down the years. Not to extremes I don't think as I tend to think things through and reign myself in whenever I go overboard but I have definitely gone overboard a few too many times!
The first time it caught me was as a teenager smoking dope (as we used to call it in the days before weed was the thing). I had always flirted with smoking and used to enjoy the thoughtful and meditative qualities more than the social laughing at inane bollocks side of it. But I became a virtually reclusive smoker, quite often sitting in the woods (Greys Mallory days for those of you time lining!) by myself shunning any form of sociable contact at all. I then stopped enjoying the thoughtfulness and got paranoid, really paranoid. Eventually I worked out that i was spending about half my wages to sit alone in a wood in a right miserable state... seems a simple thing but at 17 i quit smoking dope and it was massive for me. I'm not saying I haven't had the odd blast at a party but for me it was gone, written off in Roy logic and a little marker in the sand that I was in control of me, not any substance.
So we're at a crossroads. she's not happy, definitely doesn't want to do pubs again but isn't happy anyway. She needs direction but she wants to go home. We went home, her home... in 2009 and it was hell. Not for her, she had a great year, was so happy, but for me and the kids it was hell. I'm not doing that to them again and if my choices now break us then so be it, it's going to hurt but i can't sit here bored shitless living without love anymore. It's a gamble, probably one of the biggest I've made but sometimes you have to force things, you have to have a go and say you tried or else what are we here for? I've tried and failed 100 times but it won't stop me trying because not only do you learn along the way, you have an adventure. Life without adventure sucks.
I've put a business plan together, it involves gutting a closed down pub in town, it involves a 50k investment from the brewery and it involves signing up for another tenancy. That didn't end well last time... I've had meetings with the brewery, the area manager guy is a pretentious little prick but the big boss is sound and understands pubs, and more importantly understands Newton Abbot, so as long as he calls the shots it is all set. It looks good on paper, even got it themed: live music and great food. Can't go wrong can it?!!
The first spanner comes into the works just days after I hand my notice in with the taxi guy that i do my school run for. My pub is not ready, I need to go and take a look apparently, it could be another 3-6 months. It's easy enough for me to sort out and carry on for another 6 months in the cab but i want to force the brewery's hand, it was the date that they gave me after all. I know they have other empty pubs in town, I've looked around most of them! So I figure I force the issue and it works, and we're offered a 3 month stint at The Vestry in the centre of town while the refurbishments get finished at my pub, currently the old Market House and transforming day by day into my Market Gate.
The choice is made, the dice is rolling and life is an adventure once more with heroes and villains and good times and bad. Whatever the outcome at least I'm not sat on my arse getting old and miserable. I'd say wish me luck but we all know the outcome :)